Get paid

for using your phone.

Get paid for using your phone.

Use apps. Get Crypto.
It's that easy.

  • Every app on your phone collects data.
  • UNBLOK makes sure you get paid for your data.
  • Earn crypto, get NFTs from influencers, and more.
Sign up for early access and start getting free crypto ASAP.

Your data is worth

$420 a year.

It's time to get paid.

hands holding phonehands holding phone

Your data is worth

$420 a year.

It's time to get paid.

The average American generates about $35 worth of data every month.
That's about $420 a year, and companies collect that data every time you use an app.
When you get UNBLOK, you'll start getting paid for your app usage info – with highly valuable crypto.

Truly Passive Income

You're already using your phone. Why not get paid for it?
Using UNBLOK is free!
Simply sign up today. Once we get your name on the waitlist, you'll get access to the app and begin earning money for your app usage data.
Woman on her phone

As Featured On YAHOO Finance, Associated Press & Fox

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It's your time to earn crypto!